SRS (E-Commerce Website Project) | Designing E-Commerce Website

4.3.1 Use case Diagram for E-Commerce Website Project:

A Use Case Diagram for a E-Commerce Website Project depicts the interactions between actors (users or external systems) and the system to achieve specific goals. Here’s a simplified version of a Use Case Diagram for the project:

4.3.2 ER Model of E-Commerce Website Project:

ER Diagram is known as Entity-Relationship Diagram, it is used to analyze the structure of the Database. It shows relationships between entities and their attributes. An ER Model provides a means of communication.


  • User:
    • Attributes: userId (Primary Key), username, email, password
  • Product:
    • Attributes: productId (Primary Key), name, description, price, quantity
  • Order:
    • Attributes: orderId (Primary Key), userId (Foreign Key), productId (Foreign Key), quantity, status
  • Payment:
    • Attributes: paymentId (Primary Key), orderId (Foreign Key), amount, paymentDate
  • Admin:
    • Attributes: adminId (Primary Key), fullName, email, password
  • Cart:
    • Attributes: cartId (Primary Key), userId (Foreign Key), productId (Foreign Key), quantity
  • Address:
    • Attributes: addressId (Primary Key), userId (Foreign Key), street, city, state, zipcode


  • UserOrder: One-to-Many relationship. A user can place multiple orders, but each order belongs to only one user.
  • OrderProduct: Many-to-Many relationship. An order can contain multiple products, and each product can be part of multiple orders.
  • OrderPayment: One-to-Many relationship. An order can have one payment associated with it, but a payment can be linked to multiple orders.
  • UserCart: One-to-Many relationship. A user can have multiple items in their cart, but each item belongs to only one user.
  • UserAddress: One-to-Many relationship. A user can have multiple addresses, but each address belongs to only one user.
  • AdminProduct: One-to-Many relationship. An admin can manage multiple products, but each product is managed by only one admin.

These entities and relationships form the backbone of the data model for the e-commerce website project, facilitating the organization and management of data within the system.

4.3.3 Data Flow Diagram of E-Commerce Website Project

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) for a E-Commerce Website Project illustrates the flow of data within the system and between external entities. Here’s a simplified DFD for the project:

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) for an e-commerce website project typically illustrates the flow of data within the system, including inputs, outputs, processes, and data stores. Here’s a textual description of the key components you might find in such a diagram:

External Entities:

  • Customers: They interact with the website to browse products, add items to the cart, make purchases, and manage their accounts.
  • Admins: They manage the website’s backend, including adding, updating, and removing products, managing orders, and overseeing customer interactions.
  • Payment Gateway: An external service that handles secure payment transactions between customers and the website.


  • Product Management: Admins add new products, update existing product information, and remove discontinued items.
  • Order Processing: Involves the handling of customer orders, including order verification, updating inventory, and managing shipment.
  • Customer Account Management: Admins and customers interact with the system to create, update, and delete user accounts and profile information.
  • Payment Processing: Manages the communication between the website and the payment gateway, ensuring secure and seamless payment transactions.
  • Data Analysis: Analyzes customer behavior, sales trends, and website performance to improve marketing strategies and optimize user experience.

Data Stores:

  • Product Database: Stores detailed information about products, including names, descriptions, prices, and inventory levels.
  • Customer Database: Contains customer information such as usernames, passwords, contact details, shipping addresses, and order history.
  • Order Database: Records information about orders, including order numbers, products purchased, quantities, prices, shipping details, and payment status.
  • Payment Records: Stores transaction details, including payment methods, amounts, timestamps, and transaction IDs.
  • Website Logs: Records system activities, user interactions, errors, and security-related events for auditing and troubleshooting purposes.

Data Flows:

  • Product Data: Flows from the product database to various processes such as product management, order processing, and customer account management.
  • Order Information: Flows from the order processing process to the order database for storage and tracking purposes.
  • Customer Data: Flows between the customer database and processes such as customer account management, order processing, and data analysis.
  • Payment Data: Flows between the payment gateway and the payment processing process for authorization, verification, and transaction recording.
  • System Logs: Captures system-generated events and activities, ensuring accountability and facilitating troubleshooting when issues arise.

This description outlines the essential components and interactions within the e-commerce website project’s data flow without directly presenting the diagram.

4.3.4 Sequence Diagram of E-Commerce Website Project

Creating a sequence diagram for a E-Commerce Website Project involves depicting the interactions between various components or actors within the system. Here’s a simplified version:

Customer Interaction Sequence:

  • The sequence begins with the customer accessing the e-commerce website.
  • The customer browses products and selects items to purchase.
  • Upon checkout initiation, the system prompts the customer to enter shipping and payment details.
  • The customer submits the order information.
  • The system verifies the order details, including product availability and payment authorization.
  • If successful, the system confirms the order and generates an order confirmation message to the customer.
  • If payment authorization fails or other issues occur, the system prompts the customer to retry or provides an error message.

Admin Interaction Sequence:

  • An admin accesses the backend system to manage products, orders, or customer accounts.
  • The admin selects a specific action, such as adding a new product or updating order status.
  • The system prompts the admin to input necessary details, such as product information or order status changes.
  • The admin submits the changes.
  • The system processes the admin’s request, updating the database accordingly.
  • If successful, the system confirms the action completion.
  • If errors occur or validation fails, the system prompts the admin to retry or provides an error message.

Payment Processing Sequence:

  • Upon order submission, the system sends payment information to the payment gateway.
  • The payment gateway verifies the transaction details, including payment method and amount.
  • If the payment is authorized, the payment gateway sends a confirmation message to the system.
  • The system updates the order status to indicate successful payment.
  • If payment authorization fails, the payment gateway sends an error message to the system.
  • The system prompts the customer to retry payment or select an alternative payment method.

Order Fulfillment Sequence:

  • After successful payment, the system notifies the warehouse or fulfillment center of the new order.
  • The warehouse retrieves the ordered items and prepares them for shipping.
  • Once the order is packaged, the warehouse notifies the shipping carrier for pickup.
  • The shipping carrier delivers the package to the customer’s provided address.
  • Upon delivery confirmation, the system updates the order status to indicate shipment completion.
  • If delivery issues arise, such as address errors or failed delivery attempts, the system communicates with the customer to resolve the issue.

4.3.5 Activity Diagram of E-Commerce Website Project

An Activity Diagram for an E-Commerce Website Project illustrates the flow of activities and interactions within the system. It captures the various processes involved in browsing products, managing orders, processing payments, and handling administrative tasks. Each activity represents a specific action or task performed by either customers or administrators within the e-commerce platform. By visually mapping out these activities and their sequence, the diagram provides a clear understanding of how users navigate through the website and interact with different features and functionalities.

Browse Products:

  • The activity starts when the customer accesses the website and chooses to browse products.
  • The system displays a list of available product categories.
  • The customer selects a category or enters search criteria.
  • The system retrieves and displays a list of products matching the criteria.
  • The customer can further refine the search or select a specific product to view details.

Add to Cart:

  • After selecting a product, the customer decides to add it to the shopping cart.
  • The system adds the chosen product to the cart and updates the cart total.
  • The customer can continue browsing or proceed to checkout.

Checkout Process:

  • If the customer chooses to checkout, the system initiates the checkout process.
  • The customer enters shipping and billing information.
  • The system validates the entered information and calculates the order total.
  • The customer selects a payment method and submits the order.
  • The system verifies the payment and generates an order confirmation.

Manage Orders:

  • Admins access the backend system to manage orders.
  • They can view a list of pending orders, process orders for shipment, or cancel orders if necessary.
  • The system updates order statuses and notifies customers of any changes.

Manage Products:

  • Admins can add new products, update existing product information, or remove discontinued items.
  • They access the product management section of the system and select the desired action.
  • The system prompts them to enter product details, such as name, description, price, and inventory levels.
  • Upon submission, the system updates the product database accordingly.

Customer Account Management:

  • Customers and admins can manage their accounts through the system.
  • They can log in, view their profile information, update personal details, and change passwords.
  • The system validates login credentials and ensures secure access to account information.

Handle Payments:

  • When customers submit orders, the system initiates payment processing.
  • It securely communicates with the payment gateway to authorize and process payments.
  • Upon successful payment, the system updates order statuses and notifies customers of payment confirmation.

Feedback and Reviews:

  • After receiving products, customers can provide feedback and reviews.
  • They access the review section of the website, select the product they wish to review, and submit their feedback.
  • The system records the review and may display it on the product page for other customers to see.

4.4 Functional Requirements | SRS (E-Commerce Website Project)

The functional requirements for an e-commerce website project, as outlined in the Software Requirements Specification (SRS), typically include a detailed description of the system’s features and functionalities. Here’s a breakdown of some common functional requirements for an e-commerce website:

User Registration and Management:

  • Users should be able to create accounts with unique usernames and passwords.
  • The system should validate user information during registration and provide error messages for any incorrect entries.
  • Users should be able to update their profile information and reset their passwords if necessary.

Product Catalog Management:

  • Admins should have the capability to add, edit, and delete products from the catalog.
  • Each product entry should include details such as name, description, price, images, and available quantity.
  • The system should support categorization and tagging of products for easy navigation and searchability.

Shopping Cart Functionality:

  • Customers should be able to add products to their shopping cart from the product catalog.
  • The system should display the contents of the shopping cart, including product details, quantities, and subtotal prices.
  • Users should have the option to update quantities, remove items, or proceed to checkout directly from the cart.

Checkout Process:

  • The checkout process should guide users through entering shipping and billing information.
  • The system should calculate shipping costs and taxes, if applicable, and display the total order amount.
  • Multiple payment options should be available, including credit/debit card, PayPal, and other secure payment gateways.

Order Management:

  • Admins should be able to view a list of orders placed by customers and their current status (e.g., pending, shipped, delivered).
  • The system should send email notifications to customers at various stages of the order process (e.g., order confirmation, shipping confirmation).

User Reviews and Ratings:

  • Customers should be able to leave reviews and ratings for products they have purchased.
  • The system should display average ratings and reviews for each product on the product detail page.
  • Admins should have the ability to moderate and manage user-generated reviews.

Search and Filtering Options:

  • The system should provide robust search functionality, allowing users to search for products by keyword, category, price range, etc.
  • Customers should be able to apply filters and sorting options to refine search results.

Responsive Design and Cross-Browser Compatibility:

  • The website should be responsive and compatible with various devices and screen sizes (e.g., desktops, tablets, smartphones).
  • It should be tested and optimized for compatibility with popular web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).

Security Measures:

  • The system should implement HTTPS protocol to ensure secure data transmission.
  • User passwords should be encrypted and stored securely in the database.
  • Payment transactions should be processed securely using industry-standard encryption protocols.

Accessibility and Usability:

  • The website should comply with accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG) to ensure it is usable by people with disabilities.
  • User interfaces should be intuitive and easy to navigate, with clear calls-to-action and consistent design elements.

4.4.1 Software Requirements:

This software package is developed using html , bootstrap for front end . python and django Server as the back end to store the database for backend.

  • Operating System: Windows 7, 8, 9, 10 .
  • Language: Html , Css , Javascript , python
  • Database: SQLiteServer (back end)

4.4.2 Hardware Requirements:

  • Processor: Intel core i3 or above for a stable experience and fast retrieval of data.
  • Hard Disk: 40GB and above
  • RAM: 256 MB or more, recommended 2 GB for fast reading and writing capabilities which will result in better performance time.

4.5 Non Functional Requirements | SRS ( e-commerce website project)

Non-functional requirements in an SRS (Software Requirements Specification) for an e-commerce website project describe the qualities and attributes of the system rather than specific features. Here’s a breakdown of common non-functional requirements for an e-commerce website:


  • Response Time: The system should respond to user actions (e.g., page loads, searches, checkout processes) within a specified time frame (e.g., < 3 seconds).
  • Scalability: The website should be able to handle increasing traffic and user loads without significant degradation in performance.
  • Throughput: It should support a certain number of concurrent users and transactions per minute/hour.


  • Availability: The website should be available to users 24/7, with minimal downtime for maintenance or upgrades. Scheduled maintenance should be communicated to users in advance.
  • Fault Tolerance: The system should be resilient to failures, with mechanisms in place to handle errors gracefully and minimize data loss.


  • Data Encryption: User data, including personal information and payment details, should be encrypted during transmission and storage to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Authentication and Authorization: The website should implement secure login mechanisms and access controls to ensure that only authorized users can perform specific actions.
  • Secure Payment Processing: Payment transactions should be processed securely using industry-standard encryption protocols and compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).


  • User Interface Design: The website should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface, with clear navigation and consistent design elements.
  • Accessibility: The website should comply with accessibility standards (e.g., Web Content Accessibility Guidelines – WCAG) to ensure that it is usable by people with disabilities.
  • Multidevice Compatibility: The website should be compatible with various devices and screen sizes, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.


  • Database Scalability: The database should be designed to scale horizontally or vertically to accommodate increasing data volumes.
  • Infrastructure Scalability: The website’s infrastructure should be scalable to handle sudden spikes in traffic and accommodate future growth.

Performance Monitoring and Logging:

  • Monitoring: The system should include performance monitoring tools to track system health, identify bottlenecks, and optimize performance.
  • Logging: Logs should be generated for system activities, errors, and security events to facilitate troubleshooting and auditing.


  • Legal Compliance: The website should comply with relevant laws and regulations, including data protection laws (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) and consumer protection regulations.
  • Industry Standards: The website should adhere to industry best practices and standards for e-commerce websites to ensure security, reliability, and usability.

These non-functional requirements are essential for ensuring that the e-commerce website meets the expectations of users in terms of performance, reliability, security, usability, scalability, and compliance with legal and industry standards.

E-Commerce Website Project in Software Development

The E-Commerce Website Project is one of the most common software development projects. In this article, we will make the E-Commerce Website Project, from scratch, for final-year students. We will cover all the steps you must do while developing this project.

Project Development is a multiphase process in which every process is equally important. Here in this post, we are also going to develop our E-Commerce Website Project in multiple phases, such as:

  • Team Formation
  • Topic Selection
  • Creating Project Synopsys
  • Requirement Gathering
  • Coding or Implementation
  • Testing
  • Project Presentation

Let us look into the steps one by one.

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